Since summer of 2020, Sierra Madre Playhouse began a project of recording first-hand accounts of history regarding our Playhouse, which has been an entertainment venue for almost 100 years. #smporalhistory
If you or someone you know has stories to share, please contact us! We would love to learn about them.
Pamela Winters, Volunteer Coordinator -
Sierra Madre Playhouse Info -


Watch all episodes on YouTube here! Episodes are also available on Facebook and Instagram.

Episode 001 - Introduction to the Oral History Project

Introduction to the Oral History Project

Did you know that our building's history goes back all the way to 1910? Managing Director Estelle Campbell and Volunteer Coordinator Pamela Winters introduce the launch of SMP's Oral History Project, undertaking in recording and collecting first-hand accounts regarding history related to the Playhouse's building.
Pictured: The book cover of Southern California Story: Seeking the Better Life in Sierra Madre by Michele Zack
Watch Episode 001 on YouTubeFacebook, or Instagram.

Episode 002 - Technical Director's Historical Finds

Technical Director's Historical Finds

Volunteer Coordinator Pamela Winters and Technical Director Todd McCraw took a look at some of the historical finds Todd made while inspecting our marquee and attic, including items from when the Playhouse used to be a movie theater many years ago.
Pictured: Flyers promoting new low prices at the Wistaria Movie Theater. Photo courtesy of Pamela Winters.
Watch Episode 002 on YouTubeFacebook, or Instagram.

Episode 003 - Set Builder Don Bergmann

Set Builder Don Bergmann

We got behind-the-scenes with former set builder and longtime volunteer Don Bergmann as he shared his experiences and favorite memories from building sets at the Playhouse for 20 years.
Pictured: The set of SMP's 2005 production of Enchanted April. Photo courtesy of Don Bergmann.
Watch Episode 003 on YouTubeFacebook, and Instagram.

Episode 004 - Movie-goer Joe Feeney
Movie-goer Joe Feeney

Native Sierra Madrean and former Wistaria Theater patron Joe Feeney shared his stories of growing up in Sierra Madre, and his experiences with the movie theater that was there before it became the Playhouse we know today.
Pictured: The music store that occupied what is now SMP's lobby when it was a movie theater.
Watch Episode 004 on YouTubeFacebook, and Instagram.