As a nonprofit theater dedicated to connecting people in our diverse communities through bold, resonant theater, we rely on the generosity of donors to support our critically acclaimed and award-winning productions as well as our innovative educational and community engagement programs. With longstanding ties to Sierra Madre and the greater San Gabriel Valley, we remain committed to engaging a diverse audience and inspiring the next generation of artists and theater lovers. Be a part of our Circle of Angels today!

Tiers and Benefits for The Circle of Angels
Benefits in addition to those offered to lower categories  

$40,000         Season Underwriter 
Recognition as a season underwriter on all program covers and outreach material
Recognition on the theater marquee on Sierra Madre Boulevard for a week three times during a year
One-of-a-kind exclusive benefits by mutual design   
$25,000        Play Underwriter   
Expanded recognition as an underwriter in all outreach channels (digital and print)
Personal recognition and appreciation as an underwriter during curtain speeches
Exclusive performance for you to have the whole theater to treat your guests
$15,000         Superstar
Invitation to a private event with producer, director and star
Recognition on the marquee for a week

$10,000         Star      

Recognition on the marquee for a week and prominent recognition in all media
Mention in curtain speeches
$5,000          Angel    
Two complimentary seats for use 10 times a year
$2,500          Producer 
Four tickets to opening night performance and party
Two complimentary seats for use four times a year
$1,000          Director
Invitation to an annual celebration
Two tickets to opening night and party
Attend a rehearsal
Two complimentary tickets for use twice a year
$500             Promoter
Two complimentary tickets for use twice a year
$250             Patron
Recognition on our Circle of Angels lobby signage
$100             Friend
Recognition on our website and digital outreach

Our Supporters - The Circle of Angels
The Sierra Madre Playhouse thanks the following members of the
Circle of Angels for their generous contributions in support of our work.

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